Thursday, January 23, 2025

Democrat vs. Republican vs. Conservative vs. Liberal - is all just Media Silliness.

 I have written about the ever diminishing difference in the different political ideologies but lets recap because after looking back through my post history... it's been a while (both since my last post and since writing about this specific subject. 

First - as a Libertarian I strive to look at politics and morality with a fundamental and principled perspective. What does that mean? It means that when asked a question I first look at the underlying, foundational principles of the question instead of responding quickly and with a likely emotional response. For instance, on the issue of a person's right to keep and bear arms, rather then saying "yeah that really is a common sense gun control measure" I say "of the people that this will impact, what have they done that justifies impinging on their rights?" I'm well aware of the huge barrel of worms that is the gun control debate, it's just an illustration don't get excited. I look at the underlying impact of the position or issue and do my best to frame my stance based on the impact of that stance on personal liberty. 

Lets look at another hot button issue - Trans-rights, specifically the use of pronouns. Everyone should be well aware of this discussion and frankly something is wrong if when someone says "pronouns" you don't immediately know exactly what is being talked about. Here's the issue, you have the right to use what ever pronouns you want, you have the right to ask others to use your requested pronouns, you do not however have the right to FORCE anyone else to use your requested pronouns. Me personally, if you ask politely I am going to pay more attention and do my best but guess what, people make mistakes and if my mistake makes you super sad, well that's on you. My words are just that, words and (with the exception of "fighting words") don't infringe on your rights in any way. 

Back to the title - at the end of the day there is no real fundamental difference in political groups in the US, there just isn't. Ultimately the stances that they cling to boil down to what specifically they want to regulate, how specifically they want to regulate instead of IF they should regulate. Looking again at transgender issues; a Liberal jurisdiction would pass a law requiring thorough education on the subject starting in elementary school and might even ban teachers and other school or mental health workers from communicating a child's interest in the subject to their parents. Naturally a Conservative jurisdiction would pursue the opposite, banning transgender education and requiring workers to inform parents that their kids are struggling with gender identity. 

A Libertarian says "why are we even making these laws? Why are we not letting people in these positions make the decisions that they feel are best for the child?"

Here's where the silliness comes in, this is a life and death issue and you are either on the right side or the stupid side. Oh and once you are a dummy head you are unredeemable and utterly lost to all things proper and holy. At least that is how basically all media has setup these issues; there is no time for discussion, no time for reflection, no time to gather perspective - you have to decide right now what side you are on and you are bound to that decision for all eternity. And little did you know that agreeing with one stance on one issue ultimately dooms you to compulsory consensus with a litany of other issues and stances. Can you even envision a world where a vegan would also support gun rights?  

Even worse is the MSM has everyone convinced that this is some sort of a battle as though fighting for your position was worthy of your time when really it just isn't especially on the internet. Great, your 10,000 followers on TikXtaGramBook are super mad right along with you - but what does that actually change? Nothing. No politician cares what the interverse has to say because none of your 4,000 followers are even in their district. 

Engage with people that matter with the power to make change and be happy with positive change you can see. That means engaging with local politics, talking with small people that make small changes. People that are elected by 500 or 1,000 total votes are the people that can actually make a difference, they are the people where it actually matters what one person thinks and lets face it they are the people with the time to actually listen when one person talks.

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